Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bald Eagle sighted at Stewart Pond

Saturday August 7, 2010

Today we went to Stewart Pond to try and find a Bald Eagle. Last weekend we went to Stewart Pond for the first time. It was great. We went with our kayaking friends for a paddle and a picnic. While we were there some of the group saw a Bald Eagle up in a tree. Unfortunately Tim & I missed it. We were across the pond at the time and couldn't see what they were looking at. We were so disappointed when we found out it was a Bald Eagle. Today we decided to go back to search for the eagle ourselves. We launched our boats and headed for the area where they had seen the eagle last weekend. We kept our eye on the trees as we paddled. Then... I saw her. She was high up near the top of a tree. We angled our kayaks for the best view we could get. She didn't move. We watched a long while and then headed off towards the Conklinville Dam. It was a beautiful morning to be on the water. We startled a Heron as we paddled by. On the way back to the launch we checked the tree where we had seen her earlier, but no eagle. We checked & checked all around. We gave up and headed back. As we paddled along I kept watching the trees and the shore, hoping that I would see her. Some movement on the shore caught my eye. I couldn't believe that I had spotted her again! I motioned to Tim to come closer. The Eagle was on a log having some lunch. Under her very large talons was a fish. We paddled quietly right up to the shore and watched. She held the fish down as she picked at it wih her beak. We must have watched her for at least 30 minutes. She wasn't the slightest bit bothered by us. Once the fish was gone, we decide to head home. We couldn't believe how lucky we were to have gotten such a good look at her. We were only about 10 yards away. Mission accomplished for today. Who knows what we will see tomorrow!

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