Saturday, October 9, 2010

October 9, 2010 Nick's Lake

We traveled up to the Old Forge area today. We went to Nick's Lake. There is camping, hiking & boating available there. We bought a day use pass and headed for the beach, where we launched our boats. Today we kayaked with Doug, Cindy, Gary & Sharon.

The weather was beautiful. We were a little concerned on our drive up there. All of the lakes we drove by had significant waves. Nick's Lake had quite a bit of protection, so lucky for us we didn't have the waves & white caps we had see driving in. The air was warm in the sun and fairly cool in the shadows. We didn't see any ducks, loons or deer as we had hoped we might. :-(

The trees were quite pretty. Many were past peak color though. In some areas you could see lots of color mixed in with evergreens and trees that had already lost leaves.

We saw this pile of rocks with a stick in the middle. Don't know what that was all about.

There were a lot of little coves to paddle in. The Lake was larger than we first thought when we looked at it from the beach area.

Sharon, Gary, Tim & Cindy

There were some areas that were very sunny. The water looked very sparkly as the sun shone across it.

Sparkly water
 When we circled back around towards the beach we went under a bridge and into a pond area. There was a sign that said it was a safe area. This meant that there was no shooting allowed in that area... good to know!

Tim at the Bridge
 Apparently there is a path around the lake for hikers. The bridge was a part of that path. There were quite a few people hiking today.

Nance under the Bridge
 This may have been our last trip for the year, but if weather holds up we may get out again! If not, see you in 2011 !

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping the weather holds and you get the chance to go out one more time this season. It seems like you need to say goodbye to your eagle...
